A Transformative Force:The Emergence of Komeito as a Driver of Japanese Politics
佐藤優 著
My intention in this book is to analyze "The Fifty-year Chronicle of Komeito: With the People" in order to demonstrate the reality that Komeito members, adhering to worthy values, are greatly transforming the destiny of Japan and the world through their work in politics. ──Masaru Sato (Excerpt from Foreword)
Masaru Sato was born in 1960 in Tokyo Prefecture. After graduating with a Master's Degree from Doshisha University Graduate School of Theology, he was hired as an officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He also served as senior analyst at the Embassy of Japan in Russia. In 2002, he was charged with malpractice and tortious obstruction. In June 2009, he was handed a probationary sentence, which was completed in June 2013.
He has authored numerous works, including "Self-destructing Empire," which won the Soichi Oya Nonfiction Prize, and "Trappings of National Power," which was awarded the Mainichi Publishing Special Culture Prize. He also wrote "Soka Gakkai and Pacifism,"(Asahi Shinsho,2014) and "Discussing the Soka Gakkai," which he cowrote with Mikio Matsuoka,(Daisanbunmei-sha,2015). He is the recipient of the 10th Ango Award. "A Transformative Force:The Emergence of Komeito as a Driver of Japanese Politics" is his first work to be published in English.